Website Info: read here about our prices, ordering Spiritana etc.
Spiritana Website Info
On this page you can read the most important information about For instance about ordering Spiritana. Besides that you will see here our general Website Info: company name, chamber of commerce, terms of use …
Website Info Ordering
Information about our prices, ordering and receiving Spiritana. And about the Spiritana Info Manual.
Prices: All prices are VAT included.
Ordering: You can order Spiritana with PayPal (also with credit cards), by bank transfer, and there are several other possibilities. On the Checkout Page you can choose your preferred way of paying.
Spiritana: A Spiritana is a spiritual energy, comparable to attunements, initiations and activations. It will remotely be transferred to you. So wherever you live, distance doesn’t matter. After that it will always be at your disposal.
Receiving Spiritana: Because receiving a Spiritana is done remotely, therefore an appointment is needed. After your purchase I will contact you by email. So together we can make the appointment(s) needed. Preferably at a time that is convenient for you and at which you are disturbed as little as possible.
Spiritana Info Manual: With your purchase you will receive the free Spiritana Info Manual. This will tell you exactly how receiving a Spiritana works.
Spiritana activation: After receiving a Spiritana, you can also activate it. And as often as you like. How you can do that, you will also read in the Info Manual. During the activation the energy of the Spiritana will again start to flow in your body and aura. Every time you ask for it. So after receiving you can have even more benefits from the Spiritana.
Questions: Is there a problem with purchasing a Spiritana, or do you have questions about the ordering process or any of the Spiritana? Don’t hesitate to mail me. Questions about the website or spirituality are welcome too.
General Website Info
This is our general website info. Like our company name and our Chamber of Commerce registration number.
© 2020 I
Address: Molenkolkweg 14
7221 AJ Steenderen,
The Netherlands I
E-mail: I
Company Name: Rwav I
Chamber of Commerce, The Netherlands:
50469789 I
Phone: +31 6 1149 7062 I